Monday, September 16, 2013



What does humanity mean?
Humanity means the quality of being human.
Human doesn't only mean that you are a man that was born in your mother’s womb.
It means that you are living as one man with a soft heart and sensitivity.
You care for other people and you know the equality of men.
Our society has grown and it changed a lot of people.
Disrespecting the lives of other people and hating others.
Why do you have to hate each other? You are both the same?
You are a living man that God created.
Hating another person means that you also hate yourself.
Or sometimes you see him as a disgusting man, it’s like you’re disgusted with yourself.
You are both human. Act like one.

Some people hate homosexuals.
Okay do they even care if you hate them?
They won’t change, whatever you say to them nothing will let them change what they are.
You’re saying that it’s a sin to be gay?
Hey God created them, they are still human.
God loves them no matter what they are.
They’re happy with their life so just leave them alone.
Nothing will happen to you if you keep on hating them.
They won’t hurt you. They even have more humanity than you.

The world is changing, the people are changing.
What will happen to us in the future?
No wonder why our world is turning upside down.
We people who fight for what is right, we will stand together and give life a chance.
We should treat each other as equal.
There are no losers or popular, no gays or straight, no dumb or smart, no ugly or pretty,
just human.
We are all living human, we should act like one.

A Different Kind of World

in case you haven't noticed
I was out of place
the world stopped on turning
everyone starts listening

living in a place where everything's alright
hypnotized by the song that took me away
away from you

have you seen a clown crying
people holding hands and praying
driving down the road where we could sing

living in the lies of life
where everything is just easy
but I want to stay here

in case you haven't noticed
I was hurt
you were gone
you found someone new
so I created a place
a place where I could choose
my happy ending

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The world will end in... I don't know. maybe tomorrow, next month, or next year. We don't know when but I just want to say this to all the people who supported me, who became my true friends, even my enemies, the people who helped me in solving the problems of life, who comforted me when I cry, the people who made me laugh and cry at the same time, the people who never gets tired of my silly games, and the people who loved me and will always love me. THANK YOU for everything. THANK YOU because you helped me in living this life that God gave me. I will always remember you.
Thanks to my family. Thank you for loving me and for taking care of me. I'm sorry for everything that I've done wrong. I love you so much! Thank you for making me happy!!
Thank you God for giving me a wonderful life. Thank You for this wonderful world that we're living in. I'm sorry if we have sinned a lot. I'm sorry for making You cry. You will always be my hero. I will always love You my Lord.

To all the people who I have hurt, I'M SORRY. I'm sorry for making you cry, I'm sorry if I had a fight with you. I'm sorry if I let you down. Let us learn to forgive each other, God hates it when we're fighting. Thank you for helping me become a stronger person.

And before it's too late for me to say this, I just want all of you to know that I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! You will always be in my heart.

I hope all of you read this. Let us not forget to thank God for giving us an amazing life. Let us do what we have to do. Do not be afraid if the world starts to shake, for we have each other, and we have God. Let us hold our hands together and stay strong. Let us raise our hands for our Lord God will save us.

Friday, January 14, 2011

For us this is the end of all stories... But for them it was only the beginning of the real story. All their life in this world had only been the cover and the title page; now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story, which no one on earth has read, which goes forever and in which every chapter is better than the one before. - C.S Lewis

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


pictures were taken by me and my big sis aj. :D

we both love photography. :D